Is there an ideal age to start piano lessons?

Most people assume that starting to learn to play the Piano at a younger age is easier than starting in adulthood. I would agree with this, although it's absolutely possible to start at any age [...]

Using a Metronome

Music is all about rhythm! There are 2 general terms for rhythmic use in music, 1st an "implied pulse" and 2nd a"given pulse". An inplied pulse is where we 'hear' the missing beats without them [...]

How to Practice Piano

Effective Piano Practicing The best way to learn any skill is in steps. We need to have the concepts and practises explained, demonstrated and put into context. The role of a teacher is all of [...]

The Circle Of Fifths

What is the Circle of Fifths The circle of fifths is a visual representation of the keys and scales used in all music. It is called the circle of 5th’s because each key signature starts [...]

Play Piano Like Einaudi

How to Play Piano Like Einaudi Italian contemporary composer Ludovico Einaudi, is a Pianist and composer best know for amongst others ‘I Giorni’ and ‘Le Onde’, both beautiful compositions evoking a sense of longing and [...]