All About Sightreading Music

Sightreading is the term given, to describe when someone is reading some music for the first time of seeing and playing it as they read it. Much like reading words on a page, except with [...]

How to read music notation step by step!

The basics of reading music notes are really quite simple. Traditionally, music is notated on a series of five horizontal lines and four spaces. We call this collection of lines and spaces the staff. The [...]


What is Montessori method of teaching? Montessori is a method of education that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. In Montessori classrooms children make creative choices in their learning, while the classroom [...]

What is a Chord?

A chord is usually defined as two or more notes played at the same time, but generally we refer to chords in their basic fundamental form as containing three notes, or 'Triads'. The chords are [...]

What is Jazz Music ?

Jazz music is often heard, by those unfamiliar with it, to be a random noise, no clear melody, lots of instruments playing over each other and no clear structure. That's understandable, because Jazz tries to [...]

The value of One To One lessons over You-Tube

When learning anything,a sport, an academic subject or an instrument, you will always find that people who are good at it, have a personal tutor. For Example,all sports professionals and teams have coaches, managers and [...]

Why Practise Scales?

If you are new to Piano playing or in fact learning any instrument, at some point, your teacher will teach you how to play scales. In case it's unfamiliar to you, there are 2 main [...]